Grocery stores and independent retailers like the easy access and excellent visibility afforded by open-cased merchandisers but lament the operational costs associated with these commercial cases. Refrigerated display cases pose a unique challenge to retailers – how do they continue to offer their shoppers greater accessibility to products while striving for a sustainable operation in the midst of rising energy costs?

The very nature of open-faced multi-level refrigerators and freezers permits valuable refrigerated air to escape the case while allowing ambient light and heat to infiltrate the case spoiling perishable items stored inside. For independent food retailers the costs of product discard, trimming, re-wrapping and discounting of products, as well as the high energy bills are seen as a necessary evil associated with these types of showcases. However, this is no longer the case.

With rising energy demands being placed on utility companies even more pressure is being exerted on retailers to operate more efficiently. A new tool in the market for retailers and supermarket equipment specialists is the website; a site dedicated to educating stores about new energy saving products and technologies designed to reduce operating expenses and cut down on product losses.

New Technologies Used to Combat Product Loss

Advocating the use of display case covers to curtail the loss of energy and resources is just one of the may associated tips offers its readers.

with open-ended refrigerated cases New initiatives concerned with sustainable energy-use practices have. Air curtains or plastic and vinyl strips are no longer deemed efficient enough at containing refrigerated air for open cooler cases. Retrofit and custom night cover products are proving to be more versatile for store owners who may still be operating with older refrigeration equipment and cannot afford a huge cash injection to install with glass doors.

In addition to listing night covers as a sustainable energy saving product, the informative site for food industry professionals also takes a closer look at store lighting design and the impact it has on fresh foods. With millions of pounds of food being discarded annually and resources diminishing at faster rates than local food production can keep up with, there is an emphasis for manufacturers of food retail equipment to meet the challenge of extending shelf life removing the burden for many retailers. And lighting is just another facet for attention.

Incorporating the Best Technology to Date

Perishable goods that maintain their freshness and shopper appeal while on display afford stores even greater opportunity to the sell the item as well as ensuring less product is wasted through premature spoilage. For retailers, if the end result is better energy savings, improved product integrity and greater profit retention, then the action is warranted.